Concept: My Shamanic Practices are completely feeling based just like the rest of my artworks. The main concept for my Shamanic Practices were simply self-discovery and finding the like between the Shamanic Trance, the Creative Trance, Dreams and the Subconscious. Spirit (seen below) is my interpretation of my own shamanic spirit with inspiration taken from nature and the woods. The staff represents my power stick, a stick of power to aid in my shaman journeys. The green pouch attached to the staff holds some personal sacred objects. Tied to the staff are various types of fabric all recycled with a necklace pendant. The staff design has been painted which takes inspiration from Aboriginal Art. The cape reflects nature and the vibrant colours of the woodland. It has four symbols of power painted on the back representing power, strength, freedom and protection.
Media: wood, tree bark, recycled curtains, acrylic paint, string, recycling clothing, cardboard, metal wire.